Rojda Sekersöz (SE)

Director, scriptwriter. Born 1989. Holds a degree at Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts.

Rojda Sekersöz is a Swedish director with roots from Kurdistan. She was educated at the Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts, where she was the youngest student ever to be accepted. Sekersöz has a background of acting, spoken word poetry and writing, and is interested in stories on social issues. Her feature debut Beyond Dreams (2017) was well recieved, and gained attention for its many well-written female characters, none of them dependent on any male characters as most are.

Basic info

Main profession: Director
Born: 1989
Active: 2008-


Young Royals (tv-serie, netflix, 2021)
Dejta (tv-serie, 2020)
En komikers uppväxt (2019)
Dröm vidare (2017)
Fast (2015)
Fittbacka – ett jävla ungdomshem (2012)
Selvi ska sova (2011)
Fredlösa (2010)
Ensamma miljoner (2008)

Fast (2015)

Fast (2015)

Fast (2015)

Revolution Poetry (2016)
7X – lika barn leka bäst (2010)
Borta bra (2008)

Tolv (2013)

Read more about the films at Svensk Filmdatabas (SE)


Årets nykomling 2018 (vid Guldbaggegalan, för sina insatser i Dröm vidare)
Svenska Kyrkans filmpris 2017

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