Gabriela Pichler (SE)

Director, scriptwriter, editor. Born 1980 in Huddinge. Studied at Öland Documentary Film School, and directing Valand Academy at Gothenburg University.

Gabriela Pichler’s first feature Eat Sleep Die had its world premiere at the Venice International Film Festival in 2012 and won the Audience Award at Film Critics’ Week before it hit film festivals around the world. She is a director and screenwriter who left the cookie factory for the School of Film Directing in Göteborg. Her mix of wit and social commentary, combined with an eye for amateur actors, are her characteristics and also define her latest feature Amateurs described with: “Welcome to the small town of Lafors – Home of the Real Swedish Cowboys.”

Basic info

Main profession: Director
Born: 1980
Active: 2007-


Amatörer (2018)
Doxwise Norden (2012)
Äta sova dö (2012)
Skrapsår (2009)
Leda (2007)
Nångång (2004)

Amatörer (2018)
Äta sova dö (2012)
Skrapsår (2009)
Leda (2007)

Juni (2007)

Leda (2007)

Amatörer (2018)
Doxwise Norden (2012)
Äta sova dö (2012)
Skrapsår (2009)
Leda (2007)

Kompisar (2007)

Löparen (2009)

SAD (Second Assistant Director):
Ond tro (2010)

Top Dog (2010)

Isolerad (2012)
Miss Kicki (2009)

Read more about the films at Svensk Filmdatabas (SE)


2019 Håkon Lius stipendium vid Göteborgs filmfestival för Amatörer
2019 Guldbaggenominerad Bästa regi, Bästa manus, för Amatörer
2013 Svenska filmkritikerförbundets pris Greta
2013 Sveriges Förenade Filmstudiors glasstatyett (tillsammans med Malik Bendjelloul)
2013 Guldbagge Bästa film, Äta sova dö (2012)
2013 Guldbagge Bästa regi, Äta sova dö (2012)
2013 Guldbagge Bästa manus, Äta sova dö (2012)
2012 Kurt Linders minnesfondstipendium 2012 (Svenska Filmakademin)
2010 Bo Widerberg-stipendiet

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